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Otto H. York Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering
Otto H. York Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering
NJIT's Engineers Celebrate Homegrown Talent at the 20th Annual NCE Salute to Excellence
Friday, April 20, 2018
With cherry blossoms at peak season, more than 200 members of the Newark College of Engineering (NCE) community gathered this week at Nanina’s in Branch Brook Park to pay tribute to their own – high-flying seniors setting off on careers, alumni who have already made their mark on the world, and professors, staff and friends of the university who inspire and support ambitious NJIT engineers year after year. “We’ve come a long way from that first year,” Robert Cohen, the outgoing chair of the NCE Board of Visitors, noted with a laugh and a nod to the splendor of the setting for the 20th...
NJIT's Top Student Researchers Take Center Stage at Dana Knox Student Research Showcase
Friday, April 20, 2018
This month, the work of NJIT’s top student researchers was put on display at the 2018 Knox Student Research Showcase, “A Glimpse Into the Future”. The showcase, which annually honors outstanding research done at NJIT by its graduate and undergraduate students, awarded Najmaddin Akhundov first place among this year’s graduate researchers for developing a computational model to track and control invasive species that threaten the environment. Akhundov, a mechanical and industrial engineering Ph.D. student, gave a presentation that demonstrated his model’s ability to successfully...
Fulbright Winner Brendan Dente Heads Off This Summer for a Two-Year Stint in the Netherlands
Friday, April 13, 2018
Brendan Dente ’18, a chemical engineer with a talent for product design and a yen for travel, has won a Fulbright scholarship to spend the next two years earning a master’s degree at one of Europe’s major STEM hubs, the Technological University of Delft (TU Delft) in the Netherlands. He intends to spend his time there “delving deeply into molecular engineering,” a subject that focuses on the arrangement of molecules in chemical compounds in order to improve products. “I’m interested in things that you see and experience every day, such as personal care products and food,” says Dente,...
NJIT Students Take No. 2 Spot in Health Care Competition
Monday, March 26, 2018
Who better to develop ways to encourage young people to watch after their health than other young people? Such was the reasoning behind the first-ever Horizon BlueCross BlueShield of New Jersey’s (BCBSNJ) Health Care Transformation Challenge, conducted last year. The contest asked undergraduate students attending a New Jersey higher-education institution to submit innovative marketing or technology ideas tied to one of three health care-related activities: shopping for health plans, getting preventive care or taking advantage of wellness benefits. Sixteen teams of two to four students from...
"Doing More with Less" Conference Explores Innovative Responses to Environmental Sustainability
Friday, March 16, 2018
The Murray Center for Women in Technology at New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) will hold a one-day Women Designing the Future conference—“The Environment: Doing More with Less”—on Friday, March 23. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. in the university’s Campus Center Ballrooms A and B. Conference participants will have opportunities to interact with women scientists, government leaders, entrepreneurs and social justice activists as they outline the near-future challenges posed by accelerating climate change, including disaster preparedness and basic food and water security....
NCE to Recognize Alumni, Faculty, Staff and Students at 20th Annual Salute to Excellence March 21
Thursday, March 1, 2018
Newark College of Engineering (NCE) at New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) will celebrate its continued commitment to engineering education advancement at the 20th annual Salute to Engineering Excellence March 21, 2017, 6-9 p.m. at Nanina’s In the Park in Belleville, N.J. Proceeds from the event will benefit the NJIT Makerspace. “The Newark College of Engineering looks forward to hosting many of its alumni and friends. This is an opportunity for NCE to reflect on its positive impact on the lives of graduates, the community and the profession,” said NCE Dean Moshe Kam. “The event also...
NJIT Showcases History of Science and Engineering with 'Distributed Technology Museum'
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
On the third floor of Fenster Hall, visitors can find a rich collection of landmark science and engineering artifacts that resemble a technological time capsule of the past 100 years. The iconic 1984 Apple Macintosh Plus, a 1950s suitcase-type Geiger counter, a 1954 wood-encased Seederer-Kohlbusch scale and 1947 Bausch & Lomb optical microscope — all historical scientific equipment once used at NJIT that is now being protected and displayed as part of university’s growing museum project, called the “NJIT Distributed Technology Museum.” The project, started by NJIT professors Robert B....
Princeton Review Ranks NJIT Among Top 'Colleges That Pay You Back'
Monday, February 12, 2018
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) is one of the nation's best colleges for students seeking a superb education with great career preparation and at an affordable price according to The Princeton Review®. The education services company profiles NJIT in the recently published 2018 edition of its annual guide, Colleges That Pay You Back: The 200 Schools That Give You the Best Bang for Your Tuition Buck. In order to make the list, institutions must demonstrate a strong academic program and affordability, and offer strong opportunities for career prospects after graduation. A return on...
Elevating Academic Careers One Internship at a Time
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
With the help of NJIT’s Career Development Services (CDS), some ambitious students have been able to elevate their academic careers through internships at big-name companies like Johnson & Johnson, JP Morgan & Chase and Cisco Systems. CDS reported a sharp increase in the number of co-op and internship placements facilitated through the career center in 2017. Nearly 900 students gained invaluable work experience, earning over $6.8 million in wages. Many said that through these internships, they had to step out of their comfort zones in order to excel. Others pointed out that...
NJIT Technology and Society Forum Presents: Resolving Complex Fluid Flows
Monday, January 22, 2018
From large-scale weather or environmental disaster predictions and efficient design of vehicles and power generators, to understanding how bacteria propel themselves and how nutrients are delivered to different organs in our body at the cell level — researchers will need to find new ways of studying the complex flow of liquids, gases and plasmas that drive or characterize intricate climatic, transportation and biological systems. In his upcoming Technology and Society Forum presentation, Joseph Katz will demonstrate how today’s latest multidimensional high-speed flow visualization...
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