Senior Leadership Searches
Thursday, February 15, 2024

Dear Highlanders,
I am writing to you today to announce two senior leadership searches. These include the search for the Vice President for Human Resources, a position Joe Wilson has been filling in an interim capacity, as well as the General Counsel and Vice President of Legal Affairs, for which Holly Stern has recently informed me of her plan to retire within the year. I want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to Holly for her dedicated service to NJIT for almost 31 years. She has been an extraordinary and dedicated contributor to NJIT and has been an integral part of the university’s senior leadership team.
We have launched a national search for the Vice President for Human Resources role.
Koya Partners/DSG, an executive search firm that specializes in mission-driven search, has been retained to assist in conducting the search and developing a talented and diverse candidate pool for this position. To date, we have assembled a search committee and developed a position description based on listening sessions with several constituent groups.
The search for the General Counsel and Vice President of Legal Affairs has just commenced, with the formation and initial meeting of the search committee. As this search progresses, information will be posted on the NJIT Executive Leaders Search webpage.
My goal is to conduct comprehensive searches for both positions, resulting in strong slates of finalists and the selection of outstanding individuals to fill these critical roles.
Teik C. Lim
NJIT President