Princeton Review Ranks NJIT at No. 36 Nationally in Game Design

New Jersey Institute of Technology ranks No. 36 nationally among the top 50 undergraduate schools for game design, according to The Princeton Review. That’s an improvement of 13 places from NJIT’s last ranking.
Regionally, NJIT also stands out, at No. 10 in the Northeast. The high marks support the latest findings of Animation Career Review, which ranks NJIT at No. 15 on the East Coast and No. 1 in New Jersey.
The Princeton Review’s top schools emerged from a survey of some 150 institutions. Survey questions examined academics, faculty, technology and career prospects.
“Their faculties are superb. Their facilities are state-of-the-art and their alumni include many of the video game industry’s most successful designers, developers and entrepreneurs,” said Rob Franek, editor-in-chief of The Princeton Review. “We highly recommend them to any student considering a career in this exciting field.”
NJIT teaches game design at two of its academic colleges: the Ying Wu College of Computing (YWCC) and the Hillier College of Architecture and Design (HCAD). YWCC’s curriculum focuses on programming and production where students can earn a B.S. in information technology or computer science. The HCAD track explores game design leading to a B.A. in digital design.
Game development curriculum equips students with versatile skills applicable beyond video games, including fields like education, health care, marketing and software development, by leveraging abilities in problem-solving, user experience and interactive design.
Outside of the classroom, students can compete in an annual Global Game Jam backed by the International Game Developers Association or as a member of an esports club. The association has a chapter at NJIT and the university is one of the most popular hosts in New Jersey.
For more information on YWCC’s degrees for game design, go to B.S. in information technology and B.S. in computer science.
For more on HCAD’s offering, visit B.A. in digital design.