NJIT Launches Corporate Data Science and Analytics Training Program
Addressing a critical need in today’s data-driven world, the Ying Wu College of Computing (YWCC) at NJIT now offers a training program in Data Science and Analytics, tailored to those developing and using this technology in the corporate world. This fall three YWCC professors delivered a three-course version of the program at the United Parcel Service (UPS) campus in Parsippany, N.J.
Each of the courses is a “boot camp” experience - employees learn technological concepts in lecture sessions, then practice their new skills in a series of hands-on exercises using state-of-the-art software.
“The information and insights gathered by judicious use of data science techniques can be a game changer in almost every industry,” said Dr. Craig Gotsman, dean of YWCC. “Many companies are interested in keeping up with the latest and greatest in this field, and as the largest college of computing in the New York metro region, it is our duty to provide the training needed for companies to bridge this gap and take their business to the next level.”
Courses taught at UPS included one on data science, one on data analysis and one on data engineering. The courses were delivered by Drs. Lin Lin, Usman Roshan, and Chase Wu, who teach and conduct research in data science-related topics at NJIT and are considered leading experts in their fields.
“As a global logistics leader, UPS continually develops new and better ways to utilize data-driven methods to improve the services we provide to our customers.” said Kim Felix, vice president of information technology at UPS. “The NJIT training program allows our employees to stay current on the latest data science techniques and gain valuable skills they can use in their projects. We’ve had a great experience partnering with NJIT to develop and conduct pilot courses for the program.”
Beyond data science and analytics, YWCC offers corporate training in a variety of other computing topics, including cybersecurity. Companies interested in learning more about these programs should contact Dr. Craig Gotsman at gotsman@njit.edu.