Fiske Guide to "Best and Most Interesting" Colleges Features NJIT

NJIT, one of the few public polytechnic institutes in the Northeast, is once again included in the latest edition of the Fiske Guide to Colleges — a subjective and selective reference tool that systematically reviews over 300 colleges in the U.S., Canada, and the U.K. For more than 30 years, millions of students, parents, and guidance counselors have relied on the Fiske Guide to Colleges to present the best and most interesting schools during their college search.
Compiled by former New York Times education editor Edward B. Fiske, the guide features select colleges based on a broad range of subjects, including student body, academics, social life, financial aid, campus setting, housing, food and extracurricular activities.

What Fiske says about NJIT:
- “New Jersey Institute of Technology provides a no-frills STEM education...”
- NJIT “prepares students for a future in an ever-changing global workplace.”
- “NJIT’s challenging programs emphasize education, research, service and (not surprisingly) economic development. The combination is enticing — as is the price tag, relative to some of NJIT’s closest competitors.
- “Since most [professors] have worked in their industry, they can offer job information along with academic assistance.”
- “…students say career counseling services are helpful in preparing them for the job hunt.”
- “[Honors College] perks include guaranteed dorm rooms, research opportunities, and acceptance into the accelerated pre-med and other pre-health programs.”
- “As New Jersey’s comprehensive technological public university, NJIT attracts a wide range of students with different interests.”
- “One student praises the Educational Opportunity Program, saying, ‘If it weren’t for them, I would not be here. They make it easy to be a minority.’”
- “NJIT students choose their school because they want a top-notch technical education without the topflight price tag.”