NJIT Community Updates and Announcements 9/7/21-9/10/21

Here you will find a weekly listing of updates and announcements for members of the NJIT campus community. Announcements are to be submitted through the form found at https://forms.gle/V6PBxUy5b3jkErMc8. Those submitted by each Thursday will be included in the following week's Updates and Announcements email.
Warren Street Residence Hall Construction — Department of Campus Planning, Design & Construction
Please be advised that starting on Tuesday, Sept. 7, through Friday, Sept. 10, the contractor will be working on the installation of the water service needed for the new residence hall. Please see the linked logistics plan for your reference if you need to navigate around this construction area. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation as we work to improve the campus.
Updated Service Desk Information — Information Services & Technology (IST)
As of Sept. 1, the IST Service Desk will be resuming 24/7 support for all technology related questions, problems or requests. On-campus support will be available from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday. During these hours you will be able to get assistance by: visiting Room 41 of the Student Mall, calling (973) 596-2900, emailing servicedesk@njit.edu, or entering a ticket at http://help.njit.edu. Evening and weekend support will be available by calling 973-596-2900.
Open Coffee Club — VentureLink@ NJIT
Open Coffee Club is back at VentureLink! Join us Sept. 8, 9-11 a.m. outside 211 Warren Street for free coffee, bagels and conversation. Everyone is welcome to join for casual monthly networking for entrepreneurs, seasoned co-founders, investors, and corporate partners to highlight the innovative and entrepreneurial spirit in northern New Jersey. To register, visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/monthly-open-coffee-club-newark-tickets-150388585307
Intro to Lean Canvas Networking Event — VentureLink@ NJIT
VentureLink@ NJIT welcomes everyone to join Intro to Lean Canvas, an informative event for entrepreneurs to connect and learn how to elevate your startup's business plans! Join us Sept. 10 at 12 p.m. at 211 Warren Street for a light lunch, coffee, and an interactive workshop on the Lean Startup Canvas. Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/linkups-intro-to-lean-startup-canvas-tickets-168960107229?aff=njitcomm
Faculty and Staff
PERS Pension Plan Webinars — Division of Human Resources
The State of New Jersey has provided several webinars for pension plan information. Register for each of the events by clicking the following links: Live Chats, Understanding Your Benefits, Purchasing Service Credit, and Retirement Planning.