NJIT Community Updates and Announcements 12/14/20-12/18/20
Monday, December 14, 2020
Here you will find a weekly listing of updates and announcements for members of the NJIT campus community. Announcements are to be submitted through the form found at https://forms.gle/V6PBxUy5b3jkErMc8. Those submitted by each Thursday will be included in the following week's Updates and Announcements email.
Prepare for your better tomorrow…TODAY. Presented by Richard Parrett, Prudential retirement counselor for the New Jersey State Employees Deferred Compensation Plan, this 45-minute webinar and Q&A is designed to help you create financial and emotional pictures for your retirement. Topics include: What will your retirement be like? What will your expenses be today and tomorrow? Where will your money in retirement come from? What can you do today? How can you help protect your future income?
Live Webinars are hosted by GoToMeeting and can be attended from your own computer without the need to travel. Space is limited and attendees must register by clicking on the registration link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/rt/6331595294509762571