Mohammad Arif Hossain - ECE PhD Student of the Month - May 2024

Mohammad Arif Hossain has successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation in Computer Engineering from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT). His research focus was on AI-assisted next generation wireless networks, distributed machine learning, cloud and edge computing, 6G and 5G Networks and internet of things (IoT) during his Ph.D. Before joining his Ph.D. program, he served as a faculty in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering of East Delta University, Bangladesh from 2016 to 2018.
He has co-authored around 50 technical publications in prestigious venues such as IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Internet of Things (IoT) Journal and IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking to name a few. He held a research position during his internship at Futurewei Technologies. He actively participated in IEEE Standardization Groups such as IEEE 802.15.7r1, IEEE 802.15 TG7, IEEE 802.15 IG DEP, and holds a patent in his area of expertise. He has made more than 25 technical contributions to IEEE 802.15.7r1, IEEE 802.15 TG7, IEEE 802.15 IG DEP standardizations. He was also a member of Action Planning for Electrical and Computer Engineering Ph.D. Program at NJIT.
His unwavering commitment to academic excellence shines through his extensive involvement as a reviewer for esteemed journals and conferences, such as the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Scientific Reports (Nature), and others. Additionally, his role as a Technical Program Committee (TPC) member at the 2022 IEEE 23rd International Conference on High-Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR 2022) underscores his dedication to fostering scholarly dialogue in his field. He has garnered recognition through nominations for various fellowships and awards, both during his Ph.D. candidacy and prior.
In his research endeavors, he intends to explore several research topics such as AI-enhanced Security and Privacy for Distributed Machine Learning in Wireless Networks, AI-enabled Architectures for Distributed Wireless Networks tailored to Large Language Models (LLMs), AI-enhanced Integrated Sensing, Communication, and Computation in Wireless Networks, and Sustainable and Green Machine Learning and Wireless Networks, etc. Securing a tenure-track faculty position marks the next stage in his career, where he is eager to delve into these research interests and share his expertise with students, fostering their intellectual growth and development.
Thanks to your solid research achievement, you have successfully secured faculty job offers without the need for a postdoc phase. What would you say are the benefits/privileges of a faculty job?
Securing a faculty job is undoubtedly a significant accomplishment and opens up a world of benefits and privileges. Firstly, as a faculty member, you have the autonomy to pursue your research interests and explore topics that fascinate you. This freedom allows for creativity and innovation in your work, leading to potentially groundbreaking discoveries. Secondly, working within a university setting provides unparalleled access to a diverse community of scholars, researchers, and students. Engaging with colleagues from various disciplines fosters intellectual stimulation and can lead to collaborative opportunities that enrich your research. Furthermore, a faculty position typically includes responsibilities for teaching undergraduate and/or graduate courses. This allows you to share your expertise with the next generation of scholars and contribute to their intellectual and professional development. Also, tenure-track positions provide a level of job security not always available in other career paths. Once granted tenure, you have greater protection against termination without just cause, providing stability and peace of mind. Additionally, becoming a faculty member at a reputable institution brings with it a certain level of prestige and recognition within your academic community. This can open doors to additional opportunities, such as speaking engagements, consulting roles, and leadership positions. Perhaps most importantly, a faculty position allows you to make a meaningful impact on your field of study and society through your research, teaching, and service.
For those who are considering finding a faculty job, what would you say they should pay attention to most?
When considering a faculty position, they should prioritize several key factors to ensure the right fit for their career aspirations and personal goals. In my opinion, they should look for institutions that support their research interests and offer resources such as funding, lab facilities, and collaborations with other scholars. It is also very important to find a position that offers a balance between teaching responsibilities and research pursuits, allowing them to contribute meaningfully to both their students' education and scholarly endeavors. Seeking out departments with a strong culture of mentorship and support for junior faculty members should be another key step while looking for a faculty job. I believe that these are the most important factors one should keep in mind for pursuing a career in academia.
Over the years, you have built an excellent publication record, even before your PhD studies. What advice do you have for junior PhD students who are working on publishing their first research paper?
- Publishing the first research paper as a junior Ph.D. student can be both exciting and daunting. Here are my two cents:
- You should select a research topic that you are passionate about and that aligns with your academic interests. This will not only make the research more enjoyable but also increase your motivation.
- Do not wait for a particular time to start working on your first research paper. Procrastination can lead to rushed work and subpar the quality of the work. Always try to work on your paper even if it is just a few hours every week.
- Select a journal or conference that aligns with the scope and impact of your research. Consider factors such as the reputation and impact factor of the journal or conference.
- Familiarize yourself with the publication process, including the structure of academic papers, journal/conference guidelines, and peer review procedures. This knowledge will help you tailor your research and writing to meet the standards of your targeted journal/conference.
- Pay careful attention to the structure, clarity, and coherence of your paper. Present your research findings logically, supported by relevant evidence and analysis. Ensure that your writing is concise, precise, and free of errors.
- Take the time to thoroughly review relevant studies and incorporate them into your paper to provide context and support for your own findings with respect to existing literature.
- Never hesitate to seek feedback from your advisor, peers, or other experts in your field. Constructive criticism can help you identify weaknesses in your paper and make improvements before submission.