Architecting the Future: the Vision of Black Women

In the 1950’s it was uncommon to see a black woman practicing architecture. Pictured here during her tenure at Gruen Associates, Norma Merrick Sklarek was an uncommon woman. She is recognized as the 3rd African American woman to be licensed to practice architecture in the U.S., after Beverly Loraine Greene and Georgia Louise Harris Brown. As the stories of her predecessors were unknown to her, she keenly felt the absence of others like herself in the profession. Norma made it her personal mission to mentor and support young architects of color who were following in her footsteps as she had in her own words, “absolutely no role model. I’m happy today to be a role model for others that follow.”
Today, the numbers of young black women pursuing a degree in Architecture has seen a steep increase, yet over time the total number who enter the field as licensed architects is still low. The directory of African American Architects, sponsored by the University of Cincinnati Center for the Study of Practice is tracking the numbers: of the 113,000 licensed architects, approximately .3 percent are black women. In a 2007 survey article, Hannah McCaan of ARCHITECT magazine points out that “anecdotal evidence suggests that the high cost of architectural education, a lack of role models, and an inflexible model of success—which rewards long hours and ignores community-based design—are all factors in keeping American architecture less than fully diverse. More black women are enrolling in architecture schools; they represent as much as 4 percent of the graduating population, according to the National Architectural Accrediting Board. Yet an uptick in black women studying architecture doesn't necessarily translate to architectural practice. In a field where graduates regularly strike out on unexpected paths, women and minorities seem more likely than most to forego licensure and choose alternate careers”. Furthermore, says McCaan, “many American black women architects say they find satisfaction in socially responsible design.”
Despite this assessment, many organizations and individuals are taking matters into their own hands and creating the conditions for diversity and representation to expand and make an impact on the practice of architecture itself. Groups like the National Organization for Minority Architects (NOMA), have established chapters across the country in high schools and most institutions of higher education that offer degrees in architecture. Tiara Hughes, Senior Urban Designer at SOM, recently appointed to the Chicago Commission on Historic Landmarks, is also founder of a project that Norma would have championed. FIRST500 is an initiative that is designed to raise awareness of the contributions of African American women architects and increase their numbers. NJIT Hillier College of Architecture and Design student Brunie Pierre, currently in the 5-year Bachelor of Architecture program, is the local President of the NOMAS chapter on campus. She echoes the importance of having role models and providing mentorship to others, "Seeing black women like Norma and those involved in the FIRST500 helps to affirm my presence in architecture school. They are a reminder that there's a larger duty I have in my architecture career to be just as much an example to younger girls as they are to me. They provide great guidance, of leadership and hard work, that I continue to use as I persevere through my academics towards my future license."
Profiling pioneering women in architecture, research editors Mary McLeod and Victoria Rosner of Beverly Willis Architectural Foundation, write that ‘Norma grew up in Harlem and Brooklyn, and attended predominately white schools, including Hunter College High School, a selective public school for girls, where she excelled in math and science and showed talent in the fine arts.’ It’s this talent for the both the arts and science that distinguish students who pursue degrees at the Hillier College of Architecture and Design (HCAD). Nadene Taylor was one of those students.
In high school in Piscataway, she stood out as creative with a talent for the STEM fields, and was invited to join the local Architecture, Construction and Engineering (ACE) program for students like herself with interests in these fields. The ACE program is designed to connect professional mentors in the field with young students, often working together in firm and offices, and always for several consecutive weeks, with a team comprised of architects, engineers and construction professionals, on a real-world project. When presenting her final project work at a local community college, a representative from the Hillier College for Architecture and Design (HCAD) recognizing her talent and potential, encouraged Nadene to apply. She did apply, and was admitted to the 5 year Bachelor of Architecture program. In this video clip Nadene speaks about one class in particular, that she took with Prof. Tony Schuman, called Architecture and Social Change, and how it re-ignited her passion to use architecture and design to help people.
Now an Alumna of the NJIT Hillier College of Architecture and Design, and working as an associate at Beyer, Blinder Belle, Nadene doesn't want to be known only for her talents and skills, but rather for the difference she makes in the world. In this video clip Nadene talks about the philosophy of her firm, she is very clear that designing affordable housing, which is usually not a high-profile kind of project, can be just as beautiful and designed with as much care and detail as a 5 star restaurant. She also works on cultural sites of significance to the black community, such as a recent project at the Apollo Theatre in Harlem, noting that during Black History Month there is an heightened awareness of the need to preserve historical and cultural sites that represent black history.
For a long time the practice of architecture looked one way. Now more than ever, the shift is visible, as a more diverse group of architects find themselves squarely in the position of taking responsibility for how, where, and for whom, communities are built; what materials get used, the environmental impacts, and environmental justice. This shift is not exclusive to minority architects. As Nadene puts it, “I believe that diversity in every aspect is important - racially, economically, even age and gender. Diversity is key! It promotes creativity and innovation. For example, if I need to solve a problem and I walk into a room with people who all think exactly like me, I will leave with the same idea that I walked in with. But if I walk in a room full of people who see things differently than me, have different life experiences, different perspectives, who can bring that to the table - THAT is when solutions, innovation and real change can happen! Because we are solving problems in a real, diverse world - and as a black woman, I don't have all the answers... but I do have some of them! And that's why our voice needs to be heard. We need every single piece of the puzzle!”
Whether it’s designing buildings that bring people together, or as a role model and mentor for young students of color, for Nadene architecture is also about building community. Not just within a given neighborhood, but within a community of young people, the next generation of young architects. Following the lead of giants like Norma Merrick Sklarek, and serving as a chapter team lead for the ACE NYC program, Nadene is working with high school students to build their future according to what they love to do, understanding that creativity and passion are what's important, and that the skills can be learned.