Anushreya Ghosh - ECE PhD Student of the Month - February 2023

Anushreya Ghosh, is a 4th-year PhD student advised by Dr. Alexander Haimovich. She completed her MS here at NJIT and continued to stay on here for her PhD. She is originally from India and have been staying in the US for the last 5 years. Her research area is Wireless Communications. She works with non-cooperative radio frequency sources and use mixtures of these signals to perform Blind Source Separation. Currently, she is focused on frequency hopping sources and Direction of Arrival estimations.
What would you say that could be the next big thing in your area of research?
I think the next big thing in my area of research is the deployment of true 5G technologies. Even though data carriers claim that 5G connectivity is here, the truth is it is far from being totally implemented. In the next few years we will see the actual capabilities of 5G technology and also see what it truly means to live in a society with Internet-of-Things (IoT). Theoretical testing and evolution of the 6G network is also imminent.
You joined the PhD program after obtaining an MS degree from NJIT, what motivated you to go for a PhD after the MS studies?
During my MS study, I was interested in Dr. Haimovich's course ECE 644. I reached out to him regarding pursuing research, and he suggested I enroll in MS Thesis so I can get a taste of what research entails. When working on my thesis, I really liked the work and being a part of Dr. Haimovich's team. Upon looking at the future direction of the field, I decided to enroll in doctoral studies.
What is a mesmerizing moment of your time spent at NJIT?
I am really proud of my journey here at NJIT. One of the best memories is when I was selected to be the Student Speaker at the Graduate Commencement Ceremony in May 2019. I was honored to be able to give my two cents in front of such a huge audience.
You joined NJIT well before the pandemic and the lockdown. What would you say are the advantages of in-person lectures and on-campus research activities?
I am glad that my coursework requirement was met before the pandemic. Learning in an online only environment is very challenging as it limits interaction in classes. However, for my research, I reached out to IST and they helped set up my home work desk. My research wasn't much affected. I do prefer in-person campus events because they help make me feel as a part of NJIT. Though I also agree that online courses do bring accessibility to a lot more people and help reach a greater audience. There are pros and cons.