NJIT Community Updates and Announcements 11/30/20-12/4/20

Here you will find a weekly listing of updates and announcements for members of the NJIT campus community. Announcements are to be submitted through the form found at https://forms.gle/V6PBxUy5b3jkErMc8. Those submitted by each Thursday will be included in the following week's Updates and Announcements email.
Dr. Angelo J. Perna Celebration of Life
On Wednesday, Dec. 2 at 4 p.m., please join NJIT President Joel Bloom, NJIT Board of Trustee Chairman Robert C. Cohen ’83, ’84, ’87, and NCE Dean Moshe Kam—along with colleagues and students of Dr. Angelo “Angie” J. Perna—for a live, virtual celebration honoring his life and legacy. To view, go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VR8eNgOKrQw.
Faculty and Staff
Leir Research Institute (LRI) Weekly Seminar Series — Martin Tuchman School of Management
In this week’s virtual seminar at 1–2 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 2, the LRI hosts a discussion of “From ugly duckling to swan: CVC, open innovation, and the advent of unicorn ventures.” Bridging the entrepreneurship and open innovation literature, we explore the antecedents of the unicorns. Using a sample set of start-up ventures, we find that the corporate venture capital (CVC) is a critical factor that, by moderating the appropriability, access to funding, and acquisition, increases the probability of becoming a unicorn. We also uncover that besides appropriating the value of their intellectual property, start-up unicorn ventures utilize their inter-organizational relationships with their corporate investors to gain access to valuable resources. By highlighting the role of CVC in the advent of unicorn firms, we address a lacuna in the existing entrepreneurship literature and open the door for future research on unicorn firms. Speakers include MTSM’s Xi Zhang, Shanthi Gopalakrishnan, and Raja Roy. To join, go to https://njit.webex.com/meet/rroy. Upcoming seminars can be found at https://centers.njit.edu/leir/Fall-2020-and-Spring-2021-Seminars/.