New Publication on Consequences of Neural Activity Generated in Two Places in the Same Nerve Cell
Friday, October 25, 2019
In a new publication from the labs of Profs. Dirk Bucher and Farzan Nadim, Postdoctoral Fellow Dr Nelly Daur and former PhD student Dr Yang Zhang show that in a single motor neuron, action potential generation in the central nervous system is suppressed by action potentials generated in the peripheral nervous system, and vice versa. The underlying cellular mechanisms of suppression are different in the central vs peripheral nervous system, but this competitive interaction can shape motor output in a dynamical way in different contexts.
Publication: Daur N, Zhang Y, Nadim F and Bucher D (2019) Mutual Suppression of Proximal and Distal Axonal Spike Initiation Determines the Output Patterns of a Motor Neuron. Front. Cell. Neurosci. 13:477. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2019.00477