NJIT Conference: How Can Artificial Intelligence Work for All of Us?
What are the latest innovations around artificial intelligence, how will it change the way we work and what safeguards are needed to address systemic inequities?
Data scientists, policy experts and the head of a state commission will examine these issues and more at “Intelligent Uses of Artificial Intelligence: Making Technology Work for All of Us,” an upcoming conference from the Murray Center for Women in Technology at New Jersey Institute of Technology and the New Jersey Equity in Commercialization Collective.
The participants will tackle the issues in three sessions, each with time for questions from the audience.
The event is free to educators and students and includes meals and onsite parking. For more details and to register, go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/850442094197?aff=oddtdtcreator.
The conference, part of NJIT’s Women’s History Month celebration, is sponsored by NJIT’s Office of Inclusive Excellence, Office of the Dean of Students, Ying Wu College of Computing, Martin Tuchman School of Management, College of Science and Liberal Arts and the Princeton chapter of IEEE Women in Engineering.
WHEN: March 22, 8:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.
WHERE: NJIT Campus Center Atrium (main floor), 323 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Newark
JUDITH SHEFT, executive director, New Jersey Commission on Science, Innovation and Technology. Sheft also serves on the advisory boards of NJIT’s Leir Research Institute for Business, Technology and Society and its Murray Center for Women in Technology.
ASHA SAXENA, founder and CEO, Women Leaders in Data and AI. Saxena also wrote the best-seller, “The AI Factor,” and teaches graduate classes on entrepreneurship at Columbia University.
NIDHAL CARLA BOUAYNAYA, director, Machine & Artificial Intelligence Virtual Reality Center, Rowan University. Bouaynaya also is an associate dean for research and graduate studies and professor of electrical and computer engineering.
DEBORAH PEREZ FERNANDEZ, executive director of technology transfer, Rutgers University
KERRY FLUHR, intellectual property manager, Office of Research, NJIT
RASHMI JAIN, professor of information management and business analytics, Montclair State University
FAY COBB PAYTON, professor emeritus of information technology and business analytics, North Carolina State University
GUILING (GRACE) WANG, director, AI Center for Research, NJIT. Wang also is an associate dean for research and a distinguished professor at NJIT’s Ying Wu College of Computing.
ILANA BELLER, organizing manager, democracy campaign, Public Citizen. Beller leads efforts to regulate AI through state legislation.
KARIN CALVINHO, co-founder and chief technology officer, RenewCO2. Calvinho leads tech innovation and research and development.
JANE OATES, senior policy advisor, WorkingNation, which focuses on the challenges facing America’s workforce.