Yongjie Guan - ECE PhD Student of the Month - September 2023

Yongjie Guan is a fifth-year Ph.D. student whose passion lies at the intersection of technology, research, and real-world problem solving. With a background that spans both academia and practical application. He is deeply invested in designing and deploying real systems such as Augmented Reality/Mixed Reality (AR/MR) systems, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) systems, and distributed machine learning systems.
What would you say that could be the next big thing in your area of research?
I believe that generated models could become a game-changer in the field of AR/MR. Currently, sending and receiving intricate 3D objects seamlessly and in real-time, especially on limited network connections, is a notable challenge. However, the generated models may solve this problem. Picture a situation where sending complex 3D objects is as easy as sending a simple text message. This could save a lot of data usage and computing power, providing users with a smoother and more responsive experience, almost like things are happening in real time.

As a senior PhD student, you are getting increasingly productive on publishing. Please share your experience of reaching this phase.
After spending years dedicated to my studies, I've recently entered what's often called the "fruiting phase." This phase feels like a time of increased confidence in writing and publishing research papers. This boost in confidence not only helps me present and defend my work effectively but also encourages me to actively participate in discussions and collaborations within the academic community. As a senior PhD student, I've come to realize the significance of having a clear research focus. Over time, I've sharpened my research focus, concentrating on specific areas that resonate with my passions and expertise. This refined focus has allowed me to approach my work more directly, giving me the opportunity to dive deeper into more particular subjects and uncover impactful findings.
What's your opinion on the use of arXiv?
I'm an active member of the arXiv user community, both sharing my work and reading papers of others. arXiv serves as a platform where researchers can freely share their findings, promoting an open and equal exchange of knowledge. It's designed to swiftly disseminate research, allowing the community to access and utilize the latest outcomes almost immediately after the research is done. This platform also enables supplementary materials like code and datasets to enhance research transparency and reproducibility. However, it's crucial to recognize that while arXiv is valuable, it's not a replacement for peer-reviewed publication. We should be mindful of their field's conventions and requirements. Some journals and conferences might have guidelines about submitting preprints to arXiv before formal peer-reviewed publication.