Welcome Back and Dr. King's Legacy

Dear Highlanders,
Tomorrow, we begin a new semester that will be filled with opportunities and challenges. Today we celebrate and honor the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who devoted his life to overcoming challenges and creating opportunities for vulnerable communities, especially those who had been victims of hate and bigotry. This day recognizes Dr. King for his immense contributions to the advancement of civil rights and equality in our country. It is a day when each of us should reflect upon the strides that we have made, the barriers and injustices that remain, and the work that must be done to assure equality for all.
As we welcome you back for the spring, I encourage all of us to make the most of our opportunities to lift one another up, to work collaboratively, and to make life better for others through our actions. NJIT is a community of talented and diverse individuals built upon a foundation of acceptance and appreciation for one another. By embracing the mindset and actions of Dr. King and applying it to what we do each day, we can have an incredible impact upon our community and our world.
Let us each strive to honor Dr. King’s legacy by being an example of the ideals that he fought so hard to advance.
Teik C. Lim
NJIT President