Today, we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a national holiday that honors the Reverend Dr. King for his immense contributions to the advancement of civil rights and equality in our country. This is a day when each of us should take time to reflect upon our history, our present, and the significant work that remains to be done to advance equality for all.
Civil rights and human rights are incredibly fragile, and must be protected as such. The polarization of our national discourse in recent years makes it far too easy for bigotry of all types to flourish. As educators and as a diverse community of learners at NJIT, we must re-commit ourselves to the ideals of Dr. King and the work necessary to build a broader foundation of respect and appreciation for one another that transcends race, gender, creed, religion, or any other characteristic that defines us as individuals or groups.
Let us each, today and all days, be an example of the ideals that Dr. King fought so hard to advance.