Class of 2020 Outstanding Graduates Make Their Marks

Thousands of students earned their degrees this year at New Jersey Institute of Technology. Here is a collection of their stories, focusing on what they're doing next. Click on the headlines below to read more.
Charles Auriemma Is a Senior Audit Analyst at American Express
For the latter half of 2019, Charles Auriemma was working double-time — spending 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. as an audit analyst for Fidelity Investments in Jersey City, and evenings completing his degree in financial technology at NJIT's Martin Tuchman School of Management (MTSM), through a full and final semester of both online and on-campus classes.
Women's Basketball Milena Bajic
NJIT broadcaster Mike Ventola caught up with senior Milena Bajic from the NJIT women's basketball team after finals to discuss Bajic's career at NJIT and what is next for the Highlander alum. Bajic joined the Highlander squad in 2017-18 after playing two seasons at Memphis.
Chloe Blottman Is an Interior Designer at M Moser Associates
Chloe Blottman, who is graduating this semester with a Bachelor of Arts in interior design, found a job at M Moser Associates thanks to her networking skills and career readiness. Blottman, from Roseland, first landed an internship at M Moser's Manhattan office in September 2019 as part of the company's 1,000-person team spread over four continents. She was the fourth consecutive NJIT student in that role, as previous students continuously referred their peers from NJIT’s Hillier College of Architecture and Design.
Josh Gallic Launches Career at Valcor Engineering
Mechanical engineering student and Albert Dorman Honors Scholar Josh Gallic will graduate this semester and has a job offer from Valcor Engineering to be a junior design engineer.
Katharine Ilyutovich Will Begin Her Career as a Business Analyst
Ask Katharine Ilyutovich what she will miss most about NJIT after graduating this May and she will promptly tell you “the people.”
Biology Major Chloe Jelley is an Entomologist-in-the-Making
As a kid growing up in Omaha, Neb., Chloe Jelley ’20 had a major aversion to insects that many can relate with. “I was one of the more careful kids and I was not into bugs at all when I was young … actually, I was really afraid of all bugs,” recalled Jelley.
Amid Pandemic, Soojin Kim Declares She's All In for Emergency Medicine
Footage of emergency room workers managing overflow crowds of gravely sick patients with deftness, humanity and visible emotion has been nightly, gut-wrenching viewing for millions of Americans over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. For senior Soojin Kim, those often-harrowing scenes prompted one thought: “I’m in.”
Mary McGuinness is Off to Study Oceanography
Chemistry student and Albert Dorman Honors Scholar Mary McGuinness will graduate this semester and will continue her academic career as a master's student at University of Connecticut studying oceanography.
Google Hires Software Engineer David Michaelson
David Michaelson is the latest Ying Wu College of Computing graduate to enter Google's software engineering residency program. Michaelson finished his computer science degree in May with plenty of experience. Besides studying, he worked 20 hours per week for several semesters starting in 2018 as an applications development intern at Broadridge Financial Solutions, riding his electric scooter back and forth between NJIT and downtown Newark.
The Skyline Soars on Engineer Niyam Shah's Horizon
For his senior capstone project, Niyam Shah went big: The civil engineering major and his teammates designed a 40-story commercial tower with a thick concrete core and X-patterned steel bracing for an empty lot on Manhattan’s building-jammed West Side.
Darius Singletary Answers Call of Duty at NJIT
It isn't an easy balance between working and going to school — especially for students determined to excel in the challenging studies they take on at NJIT. But even considering the double-life that many students endure to help pay their way while earning their coveted degree, Darius Singletary has gone beyond the call of duty in his five years at NJIT.
Greg Tanis to Join L3Harris as a Systems Engineer
As a third-generation Highlander, mechanical engineering student and Albert Dorman Honors Scholar Greg Tanis looks forward to joining L3Harris as a systems engineer and takes a minute to reflect on his time at NJIT.
Sravya Vegunta Is Going to Medical School
“It’s a little bittersweet to have to leave without being able to say proper goodbyes to everyone,” lamented Sravya Vegunta, a senior Albert Dorman Honors College (ADHC) scholar, about graduating from NJIT during the coronavirus pandemic.