BIOSTEC 2024 Brings YWCC to Rome

Jim Geller, professor in the Department of Data Science, and Fadi Deek, former NJIT provost and distinguished professor in the Department of Informatics, attended the BIOSTEC 2024 conference in Rome during February to present papers on behalf of their co-authors, which included additional faculty and Ph.D. candidates from the Ying Wu College of Computing (YWCC) on subjects related to machine learning and ethical AI.
BIOSTEC is a joint conference that brings together researchers and practitioners in areas of engineering, biology, healthcare and computing interested in theoretical advances and applications of information systems, AI, signal processing, electronics and engineering tools in knowledge areas related to biology and medicine. Five individual conferences are categorized by subject area and include BIODEVICES, BIOIMAGING, BIOINFORMATICS, BIOSIGNALS, and HEALTHINF.
All YWCC research was presented as part of HEALTHINF, which is devoted to health informatics. Geller and Ph.D. candidate Navya Martin Kollapally were co-principal investigators for two of three papers: Hyperparameter Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm for Extracting Social Determinants of Health Text and Safeguarding Ethical AI: Detecting Potentially Sensitive Data Re-Identification and Generation of Misleading or Abusive Content from Quantized Large Language Models. They shared authorship on the third submission, Skimming of Electronic Health Records Highlighted by an Interface Terminology Curated with Machine Learning Mining, with Deek; Yehoshua Perl, professor in the Department of Computer Science; Vipina K. Keloth Ph.D. ’21 (Computer Science); Mahshad Koohi H. Dehkordi, Ph.D. candidate; Hao Liu, Department of Computer Science, Montclair State University; Gai Elhanan, Center for Genomic Medicine, University of Nevada; and Andrew J. Einstein, Department of Medicine, Columbia University Irving Medical Center.
Geller had the distinction of being one of the few HEALTHINF 2024 authors and presenters to have three papers accepted at the conference.